
Kelly Forrest Research provides data, knowledge and insight to support project delivery, or to get thought-provoking ideas and intelligence into the marketplace. 
UK market reports
National, regional and sector-focused research reports providing tailored market intelligence 

UK market reports that focus on a particular sector or location, examining what macro trends mean in local market contexts, or investigating supply/demand dynamics, to build intelligence to support procurement.

Social media content
Reactive, insightful comment on industry trends and developments

Regular content to maintain social media presence and encourage engagement with the audience you want to reach.

Thought leadership
Research and comment on the issues that matter to you and your clients

Working collaboratively or independently to develop short opinion blogs through to deeper-dive research exploring key industry issues, including views on policy developments, innovation and the sustainability agenda. Suggesting solutions to structural industry challenges, or joining the dots in new and interesting ways.

Bespoke research
Meeting your other research challenges

Research to support strategic planning, through to project-specific inflation forecasts and sensitivity analyses. Analysis to support market entry decisions, horizon scanning and forecasting.  

Creative services
Full-service design support across digital, video and print

Content is important but so is design. Great design increases engagement, and gets key messages across effectively. In collaboration with specialist designers, we can provide a comprehensive service, delivering insightful content in a format that is consistent with your brand identity, or bringing new ideas to the table.

About me

Specialising in construction economics for the past 19 years, I have worked for leading industry forecasters, cost consultancies and contractors, to build a comprehensive understanding of industry dynamics across multiple sectors.

Seven years at the Construction Products Association and Experian helped me develop a solid understanding of macro industry drivers, before a move to Mace and Core Five allowed me to build first-hand knowledge of industry dynamics at a micro level. Most recently, my time at global, multidisciplinary consultancy AECOM emphasised the power of collaboration in overcoming challenges and delivering the best possible outcomes.

In 2015, I became the first person in the UK to become a member of the RICS via a research route. 

If you’re interested in finding out a bit more about me and what I do please get in touch for a chat.  

Me in a nutshell

Chartered surveyor

19 years' experience in construction economics

BSc in Economics plus MSc in Construction Cost Management

Broad industry network 

CPA & Experian Forecasting Committee member

Construction project delivery experience 

My values

Mobirise Website Builder

Get in touch


+44 (0) 781 7967 197

Social media 
